
Listed below are local places of worship in the City of Holden and surrounding areas. If your religious location is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call and we will be happy to add it to the list below.

Contact Info

Medford Rock Island
Bobby Kent, Pastor
[email protected]

Bright Futures Holden
[email protected]

St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Curt Vogel, Pastor
[email protected]

Holden United Methodist Church
David Mortenson, Pastor
605 E. 10th St, Holden, MO 64040
(816) 732-4718
Visit Website

Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church
David Mortenson, Pastor
[email protected]

Church of Christ Restored
Doug Hatten, Pastor
[email protected]

Way of Christ
Dwight Decker, Pastor
[email protected]

Elm Springs Baptist Church
[email protected]

Friendship Baptist Church
[email protected]

Holden First Baptist Church
Josh Christy, Pastor
[email protected]

Community of Christ
John Kendrick, Pastor
[email protected]

Chilhowee Baptist Church
Justin Powell, Pastor
[email protected]

Kingsville Seventh Day Adventist
[email protected]

Community of Christ Kingsville
Leona Hobbs, Pastor
[email protected]

Kingsville First Baptist Church
Linda Davis, Pastor
[email protected]

Covenant Church of Holden
Mike Wakeman, Pastor (660) 238-7235
Pete Weiss, Assoc. Pastor (816) 810-4454
[email protected]

New Hope Baptist Church
1188 MO-58, Holden, MO 64040
[email protected]
Visit Website

River of Life Church
[email protected]

Holden Baptist Temple
Rodney Albert, Pastor
[email protected]

Chilhowee Community United Methodist Church
Tamera Mortenson, Pastor
[email protected]

First Christian Church
Jerry Basye, Interim Pastor
[email protected]

First Presbyterian Church
Jerry Basye, Interim Pastor
[email protected]

Grace Pentecostal Church
Tom Marlow, Pastor
[email protected]

Enon Baptist Church
Travis Webb, Pastor
[email protected]

The Lyric House Church
Jason and Tiffany Kinnaman, Pastors
[email protected]

Northside Assembly 
822 SW 1421st Rd, Holden, MO 64040
[email protected]